Areas of Expertise
Durga advises clients on all aspects of front-end statutory workers compensation, work injury damages, recovery claims, dual insurance and motor accident damages claims for both non-government and government employers. Her experience across a wide range of areas allows her to apply a holistic approach to the resolution of claims.
With a keen interest in complex matters, Durga assists employers to manage their portfolios by considering all third party liability, contribution and recovery scenarios.
Durga is a strong advocate in matters before the Personal Injury Commission and the District and Supreme Courts, representing clients in teleconferences, conciliation/arbitrations, mediations and directions hearings.
Bachelor of Commerce (International Business) and Bachelor of Laws (Honours) – Macquarie University
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
Member of the Law Society
A word from Durga
I am grateful to have gained experience in a wide array of workers compensation issues in both the statutory and common law areas throughout my career. I apply my unique skillset to all matters to develop strategic solutions and fair outcomes for our clients.
Career highlights
Resolving complex and high cost work injury damages claims, including those involving labour hire employers and/or third party liability.
Actively assisting in an industry wide Section 151Z recovery project utilising the “mental harm” provisions of the Civil Liability Act to recover millions of dollars for the scheme as a whole and divert damages claims away from employers.
Providing training to insurers on lump sum compensation claims, work injury damages, recoveries and dual insurance matters.
Specific areas of focus
Statutory workers compensation and work injury damages
Section 151Z recoveries
Dual insurance
Motor accident damages claims against employers