09 August 2018
Termination and Settlements – A panel discussion
In this seminar, we explore termination of employment and managing the human impacts of termination of employment. People often spend more time at work than they do with their families. Employment typically forms a large part of an employee’s identity. Employment is how employees provide for their families. It is a source of social interaction, provides a sense of self-worth, provides a means to contribute to the society and community.
But what happens when the employer and employee are moving in different directions and the decision has to be made to terminate the employee’s employment? Terminating employment is invariably one of the most difficult things a manager can do.
We will be facilitating a conversation with you on protecting against, managing and effectively settling the legal, reputational, business, workplace and other human risks associated with managing terminations of employment based on real life and recent case examples.
Panellists include Darren Gardner & Nick Leon (Bartier Perry) and Robert Migliore (Actevate).