Rewarding talent - legal insights on employee share schemes and incentives
Date - 02 April 2025
Venue - Webinar
It has always been important for businesses to attract and retain good staff as well as to consider the succession plans for their business. Employee share schemes and other equity incentives are just some of the options.
Join us as we guide you through what you need to know about employee share schemes and other equity arrangements, from a corporate and workplace lawyer's perspective, in particular:
what they are
how they work
what to look out for
We will also discuss the benefits and pitfalls of:
other employee reward schemes, like bonuses, commissions and incentive schemes
recent legislative changes which impact confidentiality requirements and result in workplace culture considerations.
Andrew Yahl - Special Counsel, Workplace Law & Culture
Eric Kwan - Special Counsel, Corporate & Commercial
Wednesday 2 April, 12 - 1 PM
Free of charge
By 1 April.
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