What does the latest landmark decision regarding “no pet by-laws” mean for strata schemes?
Date - 20 October 2020
Venue - Webinar
Earlier this week, the Court of Appeal handed down its decision in Cooper v Strata Plan No. 58068 [2020] NSWCA 250. It is a landmark decision and effectively struck down an attempt by one of Sydney’s most famous apartment buildings to ban animals with its no pet by-law.
This decision will have far reaching effects and will change the way owners corporations can now govern their strata schemes.
It was Bartier Perry partner, Sharon Levy, who was successful in winning this landmark case for her clients, Mr and Mrs Cooper.
Come hear from Sharon herself as well as Bartier Perry partner Peter Barakate as they provide a summary of the court’s findings and discuss how it will affect owners corporations in terms of pet and other by-laws.
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