Everyone is juggling?
Date - 06 September 2019
Venue - QT Sydney
Our Women in Law committee are pleased to invite you to our first leadership event for FY 2020.
Focusing on the important, but forever juggle of our work and personal life, at this intimate event our distinguished speakers will share with you their tips, tricks, success stories and their not so successful stories, of being lawyers, parents, caregivers and returning to work.
Join in on the conversation, network and take a rest from juggling.
Date & Time
6 September 12.30pm - 3pm
QT Lounge, QT Sydney - 49 Market St Sydney
Free of charge
Meet the panel
Troy Roderick - Troy is a Director of Strategic Initiatives & Insights at Male Champions of Change, where he advises program directors on key insights and trends in gender equality, shaping the agenda for bold initiatives to create more gender balance in business. He has specialised in Diversity & Inclusion for around 25 years, also leading Telstra's global Diversity & Inclusion function in this time.
Renee Bianchi - Renee is a Barrister at 13th Floor St James Hall Chambers, is an Executive Committee Member of the Women Lawyers Association of NSW (WLANSW) and also a liaison for their Women Barristers Forum. Renee wrote an article in the Journal of the NSW Bar Association's Bar News Autumn 2019 edition on Parental Leave - Balancing the Scales.
Holly Lam - Holly is a Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Engagement Senior Legal Counsel at AMP Capital. She is also a NSW Director to the Board of Australian Women lawyers (AWL) & WLANSW Delegate to AWL. AWL is the peak body for women lawyers associations throughout Australia, focusing on issues relating to the practice and advancement of women in the legal profession.