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Competition & Consumer Compliance Workshop

Date - 13 February 2019
Venue - Bartier Perry

The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) is one of the most litigated areas of law and will invariably impact your organisation at some point during its lifetime. Whether it be in your dealings with consumers or the supply and distribution arrangements you enter into, understanding how to identify and navigate the risks involved is an absolute must.

This workshop will cover:


  • Cartel conduct

  • Resale price maintenance

  • Exclusive dealing

  • Anticompetitive Agreements

  • Misuse of market power


  • Misleading and deceptive conduct

  • False and misleading representations

  • Consumer guarantees

  • Product liability and safety

  • Unfair Contract Terms

  • Liability of suppliers and manufacturers

This will be an interactive workshop aiming to arm attendees with a practical understanding of these key competition and consumer law concepts. If you have any specific questions on the above areas that you would like covered during the workshop, please email your questions to events@bartier.com.au or provide in the booking form below.

Please feel free to refer this invitation to your colleagues where appropriate.


If this particular educational activity extends your knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to your practice needs or professional development, then you should claim one "unit" for each hour your attendance (refreshment breaks not included).


9.00 AM - Midday (includes morning tea)


Bartier Perry - Level 10, 77 Castlereagh Street, Sydney


$220 per person (includes GST)



Greg Blewitt keeps his clients’ needs and security top of mind at all times and clients often seek his advice on large and complex projects. His deep understanding of the way the Competition and Consumer Act can impact on commercial transactions and relationships means he takes a conservative but commercial approach to legal advice.

Michael Cossetto heads our Corporate & Commercial Group and advises on a range of commercial transactions. He has a special interest in licensing and distribution, as well as a deep understanding of intellectual property law and consumer law. This includes providing advice about the impact of competition and consumer law concepts along the entire supply chain – from product conception all the way through to after-sale obligations.

Sam Harmer is a Lawyer in Bartier Perry’s Corporate and Commercial team and advises a broad range of clients across a variety of corporate and commercial areas. Sam has a particular interest in advising on competition and consumer law issues and enjoys learning about her client’s business environment so she can deliver tailored and practical solutions.



By 24 February unless booked out prior. To book complete the form below and the payment details will be sent to you.